Video Analysis

R400.00 per analysis

Benefits of Video Analysis

Four Obstacles to Improvement are Present in Swim Practice:

  1. High swimmer-to-coach ratios during routine practice sessions do not permit long-term observation of a single athlete's swimming.
    2. Above-water observation of a swimmer's below-water movements is hampered by light refraction, distorting the viewer's impressions.
    3. Human eyes are incapable of seeing or analyzing athletic motions in split-second intervals.
    4. Average athletes have difficulty translating auditory/verbal instructions into physical movements.




Video Analysis Advantage:
Each client possesses technical traits, training backgrounds, strengths, and weaknesses that are unique, necessitating an individualized approach to analysis and remediation. All taping, analysis, and instruction is one-on-one.

Both above and below water filming of a swimmer's stroke technique from multiple vantage points for detailed analysis.

Our video technology utilizes light pen graphics in tandem with playback speeds as fine as one frame per three one-hundredths of a second to reveal precise swimmer movements.

The strength of these visual cues, according to learning studies, increases the likelihood that a swimmer will be able to correct and improve his or her technique.

To book a video anlaysis send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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